- Adventure Story 3.0DAY 1 It was supposed to be a nice one-day boat trip. There was only me and three of my very best friends. But the day had another end, one that we could never imagine in our whole life. That day, when the sun kissed the horizon and vanished for the night, two of us… Read more: Adventure Story 3.0
- The Fantasy of a Suicidal Donkey (No. 1)Donkey lives a comfortable life as a guard donkey of a small flock of sheep in the beautiful hay mountains. Donkey is a donkey, is called Donkey and always looks as if he would like to hang himself. Or shoot himself. Because he has lots of questions that nobody can answer, especially not the sheep.… Read more: The Fantasy of a Suicidal Donkey (No. 1)
- A Brief Guide to MeditationMeditation is a huge theme-complex and it’s not limited to meditation itself. You could expand to yoga (which is actually the preparation of the body for meditaion), modern and ancient psychology and even different ancient and modern cultures like the Vedes and Buddhists or Hindus. Due to a lack of time, it will be only… Read more: A Brief Guide to Meditation
- Dualism in Hinduismॐ For my studies I had the possibility to go to India for some months. Therefore, I would like to share some of my experiences and insights into India’s culture, tradition, and especially its diversity with you. This article will also tell you something about one of India’s most important festivals: Diwali. This year, it… Read more: Dualism in Hinduism
- VerschwörungstheorienDer Begriff Verschwörungstheorie ist äusserst schwammig definiert. Auch induziert er ein eher mystisches Bild: Man neigt dazu, sich eine dunkle Gruft mit zwielichtigen Gestalten in Kapuzenumhängen vorzustellen, die um einen Altar oder ähnliches stehen und monotone,eingängige Mantras von sich geben. Vielleicht sieht das Bild bei euch etwas anders aus, es ist jedoch klar, dass der… Read more: Verschwörungstheorien